This blog will show you a bit of what we are learning in 5th class here in Room 1. We will tell you about our projects and the exciting things that are happening in our class. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Our Class

I have known my class           Since I was  five,                                                                                                                                        We have all grown up together.  
Through the ups and downs
The smiles the frowns,
We have stormed many a weather.

Our class is unique,
We each have different talents.
In athletics and academics,
We have a perfect balance.

Our class is a happy one,
I am so glad that it's mine.
We are all good friends,
And get along just fine.

We only have one more year,
That we will be a class.
So let's make the most of it,
And try and make it last.         

By Aaron , May 2011